Urban panoramas that redefine the perspective

Nepomuk Rothbaum

Nepomuk Rothbaum is a German photo artist who creates digital photo collages in addition to classic photographs. His work focuses on urban motifs and scenes. As the son of a gallery owner, he discovered his passion for photography at an early age and has been experimenting with digital image processing since his school days. His passion has always been the combination of technically perfect photography with the diverse possibilities of digital image processing.

Nepomuk Rothbaum_portrait_2021

Rothbaum’s trademarks are large-format linear panoramas, also known as parallel or route panoramas. These are created by digitally arranging several photos to form a seamless horizontal overall image. In contrast to cylindrical or spherical panoramas, parallel panoramas make it possible to depict wide motifs such as rows of houses across their entire width as a frontal view. This creates fascinating views that seem to contradict the laws of optics and yet appear realistic.

Linear Panoramas: Several frontal shots are combined to form a panoramic photo

In his panoramas, Rothbaum stages expansive urban spaces such as streets, walls or factory halls. At the same time, the artist brings lovingly selected details such as individual people, actions or objects into the viewer’s focus. In the panoramas, space and time merge into exciting compositions that are reminiscent of “hidden object pictures”.

In terms of design, appearance and choice of motif, Rothbaum varies with different photographic styles. Some pictures impress with their intense colors, while others deliberately avoid color intensity. Calm, atmospheric shots are contrasted with dynamic, lively motifs.

Discover the fascinating works of Nepomuk Rothbaum in our gallery.